Monday, September 10, 2007


Anyone who's been to my house in the past few months is likely at some point to have tripped over three part finished canvasses that have been lying around* waiting for me to get round to completing them so they could go up in the living room and cover some of the very bare walls in there. Well this weekend I finished 'em and I'm quite pleased with the result: an impressionistic window on Sutherland in autumn.

For far flung and/or impatient people I've uploaded a photo here but if you're likely to pop by any time soon you might want to wait as I think they work better in person.

*update: or perhaps not, Keith for one had no idea I had a work in progress on the go, and he's been round plenty since I started them. They've obviously been less obvious than I thought... I'll admit their unfinished-ness probably kept them more prominently in my mind than they're likely to have been in anyone else's


Anonymous said...

They are really amazing pictures. I look forward to seeing them on the wall.

Chris said...

Hmmmmm...that's tricky. Wait and see them in situ, or sneak a look now.

Patrick said...

I really can't stress enough how much better I think it would be for anyone who's able to see them in person, I really only put the photo up for people who live far away

Unknown said...

Wow! *impressed*