Friday, January 23, 2004


hmm, according to a recent article in Nature*, there's strong evidence to suggest that plants think. OK perhaps not 'think' but 'compute' which is a close cousin - I wonder how much computing power there is in my little vertical garden at home...

In other news I am happy, probably because it's Friday and I get to do fun stuff all weekend with cool people. Later tonight the usual Friday crowd and I plus several new additions will be going for dinner and then to watch the Improverts (which was fantastic last week.) on Saturday if I have the energy I'm going to Glasgow to try out a bar I've been wanting to go to for ages, and if I don't have the energy (it all depends how much post-Improverting there is to be done tonight) I'll do that next weekend when I'll be in Glasgow anyway, and will instead spend Saturday happily preparing for Sunday when friends are coming to my house for a Burns Supper thing. Very excited about that - my house is quite intentionally geared up for entertaining people in, but it's rather inconveniently situated so I don't get to entertain as often as I'd like... [laughs at self] I'm such a stereotype sometimes...

*confession: I don't read Nature, I stumbled over the article as metanews on Slashdot.

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